Personal Injury

Far-Reaching Effects of an Injury


When someone suffers a personal injury, there are usually much more far-reaching effects to the injury than most people think. Not only does the injury victim suffer the immediate medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, but there can also be many other long-lasting negative effects.

Many personal injury victims also face long-lasting injuries and limitations to their ability to live their lifestyles the way they used to. If you have been hurt due to someone else's negligence, you deserve to be compensated for all of the damages you have endured.

The Indiana law firm of Shambaugh, Kast, Beck & Williams, LLP, has a long history of successful personal injury litigation. Our Fort Wayne personal injury attorneys have been helping personal injury victims obtain full compensation for their injuries for more than 30 years, in cases including:

  • Car accidents

  • Truck accidents

  • Motorcycle accidents

  • Hit-and-run accidents

  • Sports injuries

  • Dog bites

  • Slip-and-fall/premises liability

  • Nursing home abuse

  • Wrongful death

  • Defective products


Personal Injury Lawyers
Dedicated to Your Compensation

We have extensive experience assessing the losses that our clients endured as a result of personal injuries - the immediate, obvious medical injuries and lost wages, as well as the long-reaching physical symptoms and intangible effects of injuries that will carry on long after the litigation has concluded. Do not settle for less than what your case is truly worth. We have the skill and experience working with life care experts and other professionals to assess the long-term damages that your injury will inflict upon you for the rest of your life. This helps ensure that you recover full and adequate compensation.